Las Fallas 2020. The complete programme of the festivities

Las Fallas, the grandest celebration of the Valencian Community, has begun. It’s a festival that has a profound traditionalist character, with complex manifestations and symbols. All these traits made Las Fallas worthy of being included in the UNESCO heritage. The complete schedule of all festivities during Las Fallas 2020 can be found here:

Sunday, March 1st

Despertà Infantil. “The Awakening”, event dedicated to children – 07:20 – Calle La Paz

Despertà. “The Awakening”, event dedicated to adults – 07:30 – Calle La Paz

Traditional music bands parade – 12:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

La Crida. Official opening of Las Fallas – 20:00 – Serranos Towers

1st – 19th of March

Mascletà, everyday – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Friday, 6th of March

Show of lights and music “Falla Malvarrosa” – 20:00 – Avenida Malvarrosa

Lighting up the street ornaments on the streets of Las Fallas: Cuba – Puerto Rico, Cuba – Literato Azorin, Sueca – Literato Azorin, Cádiz – Los Centelles

Saturday, 7th of March

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Cabalgata del ninot. The parade of the main monument figurines – 17:30 – Route: Calle La Paz, San Vincente, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Marqués de Sotelo, Xàtiva

Mascletà of colours – 00:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Sunday, 8th of March

Competition for children “Cant de l’Estoreta Velleta” (artistic remembrance of the tradition, according to which, children walked the streets and gathered rubbish, wrapped it in a carpet, which they later set on fire) – 10:00 – Plaza del Carmen

 Friday, 13th of March

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Cabalgata del Patrimonio. A parade of the most important and valued artistic traditions of the Valencian Heritage – 19:30 – Route: Lonja de la Seda, Calle Maria Cristina, Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Mascletà of colours – 00:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Saturday, 14th of March

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

The closing of the Ninot exhibition for children – 17:00

Ninot Indultat Infantil. Announcing the 1st place winner at the Monuments for Children Category (fallas infantiles) – 17:30 – The Museum of Arts and Science

Collecting the ninot monument figurines (from the Monuments for Children Category) by the falleras committees – 17:45 – The Museum of Arts and Science

Plantà de la Falla Municipal Infantil. The assembling of the Town Hall’s monument (children version) – 19:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Sunday, 15th of March

Plantá de las fallas infantiles. The assembling of all monuments (fallas infantiles, children version) – 09:00

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

The closing of the Ninot Exhibition – 17:00

Ninot Indultat. Announcing the 1st place winner at the Grand Monuments Category (fallas grandes) – 17:30 – The Museum of Arts and Science

Collecting the ninot monument figurines by the falleras committees – 17:45 – The Museum of Arts and Science

Announcing the awards for the Monuments for Children Category (fallas infantiles) – in the afternoon. The awards for the Special Category will be announced around 21:00

L’albà de les falles – 00:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Over 300 fires will be lit up across Valencia

Monday, 16th of March

Plantá de todas las fallas – 08:00

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Handing the awards for all monument categories (fallas) – 16:30 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento, in front of the Town Hall

Announcing the awards for the Grand Monuments Category (fallas grandes). The awards for the Special Category will be announced around 21:00

Castillo de fuegos artificiales. Firework show – 00:00 – Paseo de la Alameda

Tuesday, 17th of March

Handing the awards for all monument categories (fallas) – 09:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento, in front of the Town Hall

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Ofrenda a la Virgen de los Desamparados. The Sacrifice of The Virgin for the Forsaken – 15:30 – Plaza de la Virgen

Castillo de fuegos artificiales. Firework show – 01:00 – Paseo de la Alameda

Wednesday, 18th of March

Tribute at poet Maximiliano Thous’ grave – 10:30

Tribute at Maestro Serrano’s grave – 12:00

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Ofrenda a la Virgen de los Desamparados. The Sacrifice of The Virgin for the Forsaken – 15:30 – Plaza de la Virgen

Nit del Foc. Night of Fire, firework show – 01:30 – Paseo de la Alameda

Thursday, 19th of March

Flower tribute at the Patriarch’s display on the San José Bridge – 11:00

Religious service in honour of San José – 12:00

Mascletà, pyrotechnic show – 14:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Mega Mascletá (225 kilograms of gunpowder, 6500 firecrackers, a 7-min. and 30 secs. duration) – 14:00 – Benicalap, Avenida del Levante UD

Cavalgada del fuego. Fire parade – 19:00 – Route: Calle Russafa, Calle Colón, Puerta del Mar

Cremà de las fallas infantiles. The burning of the monuments for children – 22:00

The burning of the 1st place winning monument at the Monuments for Children Category, Special Section (fallas infantil) – 22:30

The burning of the Town Hall’s monument (falla infantil) – 23:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento

The burning of all monuments (fallas) in Valencia – 00:00

The burning of the 1st place winning monument at the Special Category – 00:30

Firework show and the burning of Town Hall’s monument, falla municipal – 01:00 – Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

Similar artcicles, about the programme of the Las Fallas 2020 events, can find here:

– Las Fallas 2020. Complete programme of the mascletá and firework shows

– Las Fallas 2020. Light shows and main illuminated streets

– Las Fallas 2020. Complete programme of the mascletá and firework shows

*For the most important manifestations I will add a separate article, containing additional information.

If you want to find out how to travel across Valencia by public transport during Las Fallas 2020, I recommend you read the following article The Public Transport in Valencia during the festivities.

You can read more about Bonofallas, the public transport pass with unlimited rides launched especially for the last week, the Fallera Week (15th – 19th of March), here. 

* Sources:,,, www.valenciabonita.

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