Las Fallas 2020. Rules to follow for mascletá, parties and firecrackers

The Town Council of Valencia published a set of rules that need to be followed during Las Fallas, rules that are meant to help keep the city in good order.

Parties and alcoholic beverages

  • Starting Las Fallas 2020, the selling, serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property is completely forbidden. Alcohol selling and consumption is permitted only in casal (the fallera committee’s main office), in carpas (tents) and at verbenas (the parties organised by the fallera committees).
  • The fallera committees can organise parties on the streets or in tents, Saturday, March 7th, and at night, between 22:00 – 04:00, on the following days: 14th, 16th, 17th, and 18th of March.
  • Parties inside tents are permitted on Friday, March 6th, between 22:00 – 04:00 and Friday, March 13th between 22:00 – 01:00.
  • The music shows (mobile discos and bands performing on stage) need to have a sound limiter, meant to reduce the noise discomfort for the nearby inhabitants. At a verbena (party organised by a fallera committee), noise can’t be higher than 90 decibels, while at a tent party, the noise can’t be higher than 85 decibels.


The personal use of pyrotechnic material is forbidden in all areas of Turia Garden (Jardín del Túria), including children’s playing areas, between 22:00 – 07:30, with the following exceptions, where the following days and intervals permit firecracker use:

  • March 7th, between 02:00 – 07:30 and March 8th, after 22:00
  • March 13th -19th, between 02:00 – 07:30
  • March 20th: starting in the morning

Access to mascletá

Is forbiden the access to the mascletá in Plaza del Ayuntamiento with objects or any other elements that can draw or represent a risk in case of an evacuation: luggage, bicycles, scooters, carriers, cars for children or vehicles for people with low mobility (in this case, with the exception of the area especially set up for these vehicles) . 

Other rules implemented by the Town Hall’s Local Council aim to protect the Lonja de la Seda area, keeping the crowded areas clean and putting up public toilets.

Putting up tents on public roads is authorised from the 12th of March.

After the parties are finished, the areas need to be cleaned before 8 in the morning, while Mercado Central and Plaza Ruzafa need to be cleaned before 7.

If you read this article, can be interested also in a similar one:

– Las Fallas 2020. Parking in Valencia during the festivities

Articles about the programme of festivities can be found here:

Las Fallas 2020. The complete programme of the festivities

Las Fallas 2020. Light shows and main illuminated streets

About transport during Las Fallas you can read here:

Las Fallas 2020. Bonofallas, abonament special pentru transportul public

– Las Fallas 2020. Bonofallas, abonament special pentru transportul public

* Source:,,

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