Beginning with June 22, the Valencian government offers grants for purchasing of bicycles and scooters

Beginning with the 15th of June, Valencian Community shops that sell bicycles, scooters, electric personal mobility devices and electric conversion kits for bicycles can join the grant campaign initiated by the Valencian Community government.

Grant conditions

Grants will be up to 250 euro for electric bicycles (the value of which cannot surpass 1400 euro), 75 euro for non-electric ones (up to a maximum value of 500 euro) and 75 euro for electric scooters (the value of which cannot surpass 450 euro).

The grant will also be given for installing electric conversion kits (up to 200 euro for kits that have a maximum price of 600 euro) or for acquiring bicycles with child seats (up to 150 euro for bicycles that have a max price of 700 euro).

When can the grants be solicited

The grant will be available starting Monday, the 22nd of June.

Conditions for grant beneficiaries

Persons interested in accessing these grants need only be a resident of the Valencian Community. That is the only necessary condition.

After choosing the desired company and vehicle from the Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility’s (Conselleria de Movilidad) site, the applicant must fill out a form directly in the shop.

As soon as the request is aproved, the buyer receives the grant at the moment of purchase.

Conditions for the companies participating in the campaign

Monday, the 15th of June, is set to be the date when the membership procedure will be made public. The Ministry will make public a list of companies that are going to participate in the campaign on its site. Interested companies can join through an application developed by the authorities.

No deadline has been set on joining the campaign, merchants are free to join at any time.

The condition they must fulfil is that they have their offices in the Valencian Community.

Information about the grant campaign of  Valencian government

Investments made by the authorities in this campaign go up to 500000 euro.

According to a representative of the authorities “these grants have a double purpose: to promote the use of engineless vehicles, for a more durable mobility, and to support and help businesses in the Valencian Community”.

The procedures for these grants will be applied and managed by the Bicycle Office, a newly created department under the Public Works division of the Ministry of Public Administration.

The Office will concentrate the various initiatives and lines of work to promote the use of bicycles and personal mobility vehicles.

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Source: Las Provincias

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