
Civic organisations involved in the organisation of Las Fallas (Valencia) and Magdalena (Castellón) have initiated on social networks campaigns like #fallas2020 or #laplanta in the attempt to make quarantine easier to go through.

Valencian musicians have also united against Coronavirus. The Federation of Musical Societies in the Valencian Community (FSMCV) has launched the campaign #FestivalDelsBalcons.

Musicians are encouraged to perform popular songs like “Paquito el chocolatero” and “Amparito Roca” from their balconies or windows, on Tuesday, 19th of March, at 12:00.

Due to the cancellation of its grandest festival, Magdalena, in the city of Castellón de la Plana, a civic campaign was launched. At lunch time, people step out on their balconies, or stand at their windows and start making noise, using pans, spoons, traditional musical instruments like tabals and dolçaines or anything else they have on hand. “It will be the best mascletà in history”, is written on the flyers distributed accross the city, and “our triumph over illness”.

Share this news! It’s about moments of joy that can fill many homes and souls!

If you want to find out more about quarantine situations, i recommend this article.

* Sources: Las Provincias, La Vanguardia

* The photo from this article is property of the organisers of #FestivalDelsBalcons


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